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Title: 1997 annual hydrometric report
Author: Environment Agency South West Region
Document Type: Monograph
The 1997 Hydrometric Report is the fourth document of its kind to be produced since the formation of the Environment Agency (South West Region) from the National Rivers Authority. The document is the fourth in a series of reports produced on an annual basis when all available data for the year has been archived. The principal purpose of the report is to increase the awareness of the hydrometry within the South West Region through listing the current and historic hydrometric networks, key hydrometric staff contacts, what data is available and the reporting options available to users. The current site listings of surface water gauging, groundwater and rainfall stations present reference information for each site, together with the Area offices responsible for data collection and processing. Summary statistics for 1997 and updated long term averages have also been compiled for each current station. Hydrometric staff contacts within each area and regional office are listed for information. Only sites where hydrometric staff are responsible for data collection and processing have been included in this report. An additional feature of the 1997 annual report is the inclusion of site listings and location maps for historic groundwater and rainfall sites. The themes for current gauging stations and both current and historic groundwater and rainfall sites are to be stored on the G.I.S. servers in order to be available to G.I.S. users and those with access to Mapexplorer across the region.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: Data collectionManagementStatistical dataGroundwaterRainfall
Geographic Keywords: EA South West
Extent: 235; + maps
Total file downloads: 418

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