Title: The story of a river : Ripples 1
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: environment agency educational series
This is the "Story of a River" report from the Environment Agency. This is Factsheet Number 1 in the Environment Agency educational series, under Ripples 1. The report is aimed at providing information for people interested in the subject of stages of a river, the work of a river, river landforms and man-made features. The section on stages of a river and the work of a river includes terms such channel, source, stream, tributaries, mouth, valley, load, riverbed, riverbank, silt and deposition. Finally the section on River landforms includes definitions for meander, flood plain and estuary.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Catchment basins; Estuaries; Floodplains
Extent: n.p. [4]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:201
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