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Title: The environment and water resources projects. Volume 1 guidelines for the scoping and environmental assessment of water resources projects
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
This report is to ensure standard criteria and format are used for the scoping and environmental assessment of water resources projects leading to the production of an environmental report or Environmental Statement. This volume is one of a series giving guidance on water resources projects. The water resources projects will predominantly comprise drought orders and permits, time limited and permanent licences. Smaller projects, such as spray irrigation licences, will not require an environmental assessment. This document forms the basis for discussions between the Environment Agency North East Region, consultees and the applicant. The process aims to produce a thorough assessment.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Water resourcesEnvironmental impactProjectsDroughtAssessmentGuidelines
Extent: 34
Total file downloads: 288

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