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Title: After the flood : 50 years of inland flood protection in East Anglia
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
This is the Environment Agency report called After the Flood 50 years of inland flood protection in East Anglia.The threat of flooding from the region's rivers is a constant reminder of the vulnerable nature of large areas of the eastern counties of England. Huge tracts of rich agricultural land lie below the level of local rivers and drainage channels; scattered farms and small riverside towns and communities nestle alongside numerous waterways. All of them rely on an extensive network of flood protection schemes and the constant vigilance of river engineers to remain safe and dry. Over 50 years ago the banks which form the main defence against flooding were battered by some of the most savage weather conditions ever seen in the eastern counties. By early March 1947 rivers throughout the area from the Humber to the Thames were full to the brim, running higher than ever before. But in the lowlands of the Great Ouse, Welland and Nene the pressure proved too much. Water flowed over the top of the banks, tore huge breaches in them and drowned nearly 250 square kilometres of the Fens under as much as two metres of water. Hundreds of families were made homeless, property was damaged and thousands of sheep, cattle, pigs and poultry were swept away. Miraculously no one was killed. It was the worst freshwater flooding to hit the area in over 100 years. For more than two weeks there was a constant battle, by day and by night, to protect lives, land and homes from the swirling waters that kept tugging mercilessly at the defences.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1997
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Flood controlHistoryFlood defence structuresRiversFlooding
Geographic Keywords: East AngliaGreat OuseThe WashNene (river)
Extent: 10
Total file downloads: 357

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