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Title: NRA corporate plan 1993/94 : catchment management planning 5 year programme and timetable
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
This document was compiled during the 1992/93 Corporate Planning round, to provide a consistent and accurate timetable of Catchment Management Planning between 1992/93 and 1996/97 for the 1993/94 Corporate Plan. The main sources of information were Regional Plan Submissions, which were compared with the original list of 184 catchments; this list has moved on somewhat, and there are now 189 catchments (the Little Avon CMP will be produced jointly by SevernJTrent and South West and Wessex, and has been counted as a half catchment in both regions. As part of a pilot Statutory Water Quality Objective scheme, some Catchment Management Plans will now include SWQOs. The catchments involved have been indicated throughout this document by the use of italics. Information on SWQOs was provided by the Environmental Quality department.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Catchment managementBusiness plansEnvironment AgencyFinancial policies
Geographic Keywords: EnglandWalesEnvironment Agency region
Extent: 14
Total file downloads: 315

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