Title: Physical environment for river invertebrate communities (346/2/A) : interim report
Author: C.D. Smith
Author: D.M. Harper
Document Type: Monograph
This report describes the progress of NRA RanD Project 346 between 1-4-91 and 31-3-92. Attention is drawn to progress reports which have been submitted to the Project Leader and Steering Group, particularly NRA Interim Report 346/1/A. The two primary targets for 1991-1992 have been collaborative development of a best strategy, and a review of relevant literature. The latter item has addressed species-habitat relationships, approaches to habitat classification, methods of multivariate analysis, and a general view of the physical context for habitat conservation measures. The classification procedure which has been used previously on the project (Indicator Species Analysis - Hill et al. 1975, Hill 1979) was modified for use on the Apple Macintosh computer. This will improve the efficiency of storage and analysis of data, which to date have been transported between microcomputer and mainframe.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Research projects; Invertebrates; Rivers; Computers; Habitat improvement
Extent: 15; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2213
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