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Title: A review of the hydrogeological information for the Thompson and Merton areas, Norfolk : including predictions of the impact of nearby chalk water abstractions on water levels at Thompson Water, Carr and Common SSSI and candidate SAC
Author: Andrew MacKenney-Jeffs
Document Type: Monograph
The primary aim of the report is to present information that can be referred to by Agency Water Resources Staff when determining abstraction licence applications in the study area. Some of the information included is simply graphical presentation of existing data from Agency records (such as observation borehole hydrographs). The report also includes results of further analysis and interpretation of data carried out by the author, such as contour plotting of geological information and interpretation in terms o f the possibility for groundwater recharge to Chalk via leakage through Drift and discharge from the Chalk to Drift and surface water. The Thompson & Merton areas are located in the south east of the Wissey catchment, south of the Watton area. The general location of the area of study is shown on fig. 1.1. The specific area covered for the purpose of this review is the whole of sheet TL 99 NW on the OS 1:10000 series, plus the northern section of sheet TL 99 SW north o f grid line 294000, together referred to as the 'study area’ in this report.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: HydrogeologyWater abstractionGroundwaterNatural resources managementWater management
Geographic Keywords: WisseyNorfolk
Extent: 40; + appendices; + figures
Total file downloads: 366

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