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Title: Infiltration drainage - legal aspects
Author: H.R. Wallingford
Document Type: Monograph
Infiltration drainage systems may be used to dispose of surface water runoff from urban and highway areas by recharge into the ground. These systems allow stormwater to infiltrate into the soil over a period of time and also provide some detention storage during the storm event. Examples of such infiltration systems include individual and linked soakaways, infiltration trenches, infiltration basins, swales, infiltration pavements and infiltration blankets. The CIRJA reports R123 and R124 on the Scope for control of urban runoff (CIRIA 1992a and 1992b), identified the potential for and benefits of using infiltration systems to reduce/attenuate storm flows before they enter piped drainage systems. It was in the context of a growing awareness of the potential importance of infiltration systems that this later project was conceived. The project has produced one manual and five reports in support of the manual. The reports contain detailed information obtained during the course of the project and provide the background to the recommendations given in the manual.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Drainage systemsResearch projectsContaminationRunoffSurface water
Extent: 65
Total file downloads: 427

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