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Title: Cryptosporidium in river waters: inception of the study
Author: E. Carrington
Document Type: Monograph
The Committee of Experts established after the outbreak of crypto sporidiosis in Swindon and Oxfordshire in 1989 made recommendations for studies to determine levels of oocysts in source waters and to seek to determine the origin of the oocysts. This report describes the initiation of a NRA funded study to ascertain whether or not a link can be established in agricultural areas between livestock farm pollution incidents or farm husbandry and the occurrence of Cryptosporidium oocysts in surface waters. The rationale for the choice of sites, the choice of sampling and analytical procedures and the programme of study are described. The study will complement the survey of occurrence of oocysts in surface waters and groundwaters, the presence of oocysts in potable water and cryptosporidiosis in the community. Discussions have been held and close liaison is anticipated with a MAFF funded study investigating the survival of oocysts within the farm waste environment.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: RiversWater qualityAnalytical methodsWaste disposalAgricultural wastes
Geographic Keywords: Oxfordshire
Extent: 15
Total file downloads: 72

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