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Title: Airborne remote sensing of coastal waters (RanD 328/2/Wx) : draft final report
Author: S.R. Boxall
Author: S.E. Chaddock
Author: N. Holden
Author: A. Matthews
Document Type: Monograph
In considering the problems of monitoring the coastal environment, the National Rivers Authority of the UK commissioned a pilot study along the south coast of England utilizing airborne remote sensing of both the seas colour and temperature in July 1991. The study tested the feasibility of operating such campaigns for routine monitoring as well as the value, in absolute physical and biogeochemical terms, of the data obtained. This final report provides an overview of the air and supporting sea campaigns and the results of the analyses carried out on both data sets, those for the airborne campaign by the Southampton group and for the sea campaign by the NRA. In spite of relatively poor weather and a narrow time - frame for the' field campaign the results are encouraging and demonstrate the potential for the technique on both a larger spatial scale and over a longer time frame. Maps of chlorophyll and of water turbidity are produced from the airborne data which when compared to the sea truth data, given uncertainties in the general techniques of gathering in-situ measurements of chlorophyll and suspended sediment, are considered to be good.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: London
Subject Keywords: Coastal watersRemote sensingTurbidityData collectionTemperaturePilot projects
Geographic Keywords: EA South EastEA South WestEngland
Extent: 54; + appendices
Total file downloads: 338

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