Title: River Teme catchment management plan : action plan : March 1996
Author: National Rivers Authority Severn-Trent Region
Document Type: Monograph
This Action Plan is the second stage in the catchment management planning process for the River Teme catchment. The plan translates the issues and problems highlighted in the Consultation Report into actions. These actions are timetabled and costed (where possible) and the NRA aim is to deliver real improvements on the ground. The Action Plan details areas of work and investment proposed by the NRA and others, formulated as a result of the consultation process. Timescales, targets and estimated costs are added at this stage.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Shrewsbury
Subject Keywords: Catchment Management Plans; Catchment management; Land use; River fisheries; Water quality; Nature conservation; Pollution control; Flood risk management
Geographic Keywords: Teme; Teme catchment; Shropshire; Worcestershire; Herefordshire
Extent: 32; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2366
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