Title: Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1993 : EC surface water abstraction directive
Author: K.M. Lee
Document Type: Monograph
The water quality monitoring programme described in this technical note was established by the National Rivers Authority (South West) in February 1991 to fulfil the legal requirements under the EC Surface Water Abstraction Directives 75/440/EEC and 79/869/EEC, and the UK Surface Waters (Classification) Regulations 1989, Statutory Instrument 1989/1148. The programme is carried out, also, to fulfil the current initial monitoring requirements under the EC Nitrate Directive. The 1993 monitoring programme is a continuation of the 1992
programme. Fifty four abstraction intakes operated by South West Water Services Limited, and two operated by Wessex Water Services Limited, for public drinking water supply in the South West Region are monitored in 1993. The 1993 programme complies with the requirements of the two Directives concerning the determinands monitored, methods of measurement and frequencies of sampling and analysis. All abstraction intakes are sampled routinely and evenly over a year. The data generated from this programme can be used to provide additional information to support the routine river chemical programme.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: Surface water; Water abstraction; Directives (European Union); Water quality; Monitoring
Geographic Keywords: EA South West
Extent: n.p. [31]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2415
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