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Title: Adur and Ouse LEAP : consultation draft summary : April 1999
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
This Environment Agency booklet gives information about LEAP Consultation Draft Summary of Adur and Ouse rivers. The Environment Agency is committed to the production of Local Environment Agency Plans (LEAPs) to ensure our broad remit to promote and facilitate sustainable development is addressed. Each LEAP will focus on a local catchment area based primarily on river catchments and will identify environmental pressures and how these may be addressed through integrated environmental management. Through the identification and promotion of partnership with others, each LEAP will also help the Agency to deploy its resources to best effect and optimise benefit for the local environment.Through the wide consultation process the LEAP ensures openness and accountability and helps forward environmental initiatives through education and influence. The LEAP consists of the following documents: The consultation draft, of which this summary forms a part, gives a broad review of the plan area. It highlights issues to be tackled and identifies actions for resolving them with possible partners where appropriate. The environmental overview contains a factual description and assessment of the local environment and identifies the impact of pressures. The plan firms up issues and describes and prioritises the actions the Agency believes should be undertaken in the next five years. Annual reviews report on the progress of the actions.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: Environment AgencyLocal action plans (EA)RiversEnvironmental management
Geographic Keywords: AdurOuse (Sussex)East SussexWest SussexAdur and Ouse catchment
Extent: n.p. [6]
Total file downloads: 346

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