Title: An investigation of ecological change in the rivers Kennet and Lambourn. Report for the period April 2000 - March 2001
Author: J. F. Wright
Author: R. J. M. Gunn
Author: J. M. Winder
Author: J. H. Blackburn
Author: R. Wiggers
Author: K. Vowles
Author: R. T. Clarke
Document Type: Monograph
In 1997, the Environment Agency, Thames Region, commissioned the Institute of Freshwater Ecology to undertake studies on the macrophytes and macroinvertebrate assemblages at four sites on the Rivers Kennet and Lamboum. These included two sites on the River Kennet (Savemake upper and lower) downstream of Marlborough, a further location on the same river upstream of Hungerford (Littlecote) and a fourth site on the River Lamboum (Bagnor -shaded site). Each one of these sites had been the focus of detailed studies by a team of freshwater ecologists in the 1970s, and valuable historical data were available for each location. The low flows of 1996 and the worsening drought conditions through the spring of 1997 provided thie impetus for a rerexamination of these sites. Macrophyte mapping followed by quantitative sampling of the macroinvertebrates on major habitat types was undertaken in each of June/July 1997 and December 1997, using the 1970s protocols in order to ensure compatibility of the data. The results, including a photographic record comparing all sites in the 1970s and 1997, together with an appraisal of changes in the macrophytes and macroinvertebrate assemblages over this period was included in a comprehensive report to the Environment Agency (Wright et al. 1999a). The overall objective is: ‘to improve the Environments Agency's knowledge of chalk stream ecology in order to increase our ability to manage chalk streams in a sustainable manner ’. This report shows information from the period April 2001- March 2002.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2002
Publication Place: Dorset
Subject Keywords: Limnological surveys; Rivers; Macrophytes; Invertebrates; Chalk streams; Flow rate; Freshwater ecology
Geographic Keywords: Kennet; Lambourn; Bagnor; Kennet and Pang catchment
Extent: 41
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:261
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