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Title: Analysis of bacteriological contamination and accumulation of metals and organics in the mussel (Mytilus edulis)
Author: National Rivers Authority South West Region
Document Type: Monograph
There are two designated Shellfish Waters in the Wessex NRA Region at Poole Harbour and Portland Harbour. Samples have been collected since 1983 from the commercial shellfish beds in Poole Harbour, and wild mussels from a permanent floating structure in Portland Harbour. Within the last two years a significant commercial oyster fishery has been developed in the Fleet, and samples are now being taken from this site. Intravalvular tissue samples are routinely analysed for faecal coliforms as required by the Directive, and bioaccumulated metals and organohalogenated substances were recently analysed by the NRA according to the recommended list of determinands in the NRA Uniform Scheme for Monitoring Shellfish Waters.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1989
Publication Place: Blandford Forum
Subject Keywords: HarboursShellfish fisheriesBioaccumulationWater pollutionBacterial monitoringMetalsOrganochlorine compounds
Geographic Keywords: EA South WestDorsetPoole Harbour
Taxonomic Keywords: Mytilus edulis
Extent: n.p. [18]
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