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Title: The relationship between turbidity and suspended solids in final effluents
Author: National Rivers Authority South West Region
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: water quality investigations team - October 1993
The majority of STW and many other consented trade effluent discharges have, as a condition of their consents to discharge, a limit on the maximum concentration of suspended solids the effluents may contain. Samples of these effluents, and of the rivers they are discharged to are, in Wessex, routinely analysed for suspended solids. Many studies have been undertaken in the past, to look at the relationship between . suspended solids concentration and turbidity in effluents. These have largely focused on the relationship for effluents in general rather than that which exists for specific discharges. This project aimed to determine whether, for specific discharges, a predictable relationship exists. If such a relationship was found, it may be possible to use it to apply more rigorous enforcement of discharge consent conditions. Currently, routine compliance samples are taken in a non tripartite way, until a sample fails one or other of the determinand limits imposed on the consent. Subsequent samples are then taken in a tripartite manner. The weakness in this approach is that the discharge always fails to meet its consent limit on one occasion before tripartite samples are taken.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: [Exeter]
Subject Keywords: Waste disposalEffluentsSuspended solidsTurbidity
Extent: n.p. [32]
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