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Title: Bristol Avon Area fishery survey : Byde Mill Brook
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: January 1991/September 1992
The Byde Mill Brook extends for a length of approximately 7Km flowing in a south east direction to join the Bristol Avon at Lacock. The brook arises from the Great Oolite limestone passing through cornbrash and Oxford clay at its lower limits. The brook is a relatively small tributary to the Bristol Avon but has the expanding town of Corsham at its headwaters. The Byde Mill Brook has not been surveyed in the past for fish.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: RiversCatchment basinsFishery surveys
Geographic Keywords: EA MidlandsBristol Avon and North Somerset Streams catchmentBristol Avon
Extent: n.p. [16]
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