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Title: An investigation into the incidence of spurting from weeping wall slurry stores
Author: Piers O'neil
Document Type: Monograph
The aim of this research project is to investigate the incidence of spurting from weeping wall slurry stores as per the following guidelines: 1) Try to establish the reasons why spurting occurs. 2) Look at ways/methods of reducing the occurrence of spurting or reducing/eliminating the effects if it does occur. In order to achieve these aims and objectives the project has been structured into five separate stages. The first part of the project is to select a series of farms with weeping wall stores in order to study the general design and use of such stores. The second stage of the project is to use the information gathered in stage one and carry out some physical investigations into the problem. The third stage of the project is to interpret the information and data gained from stage two and assess the need for further practical investigations. The third stage of the project is to interpret the information and data gained from stage two and assess the need for further practical investigations. Part four of the project shall be used to devise possible methods of preventing or reducing the risk of spurting and then testing them out and assessing their feasibility. Part five of the project will be used to draw final conclusions as to the reasons why weeping walls spurt, and whether there are any steps which can be taken in order to prevent them spurting or to reducing the risk of them spurting.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Plymouth
Subject Keywords: SlurryTanksPollutant loadWallsExperimentationModellingFarms
Geographic Keywords: Devon
Extent: 16; + appendices
Total file downloads: 80

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