Title: Biological investigation of the impact of Ivybridge sewage treatment works discharge to the River Erme, May 1991
Author: T.R. Geatches
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: environmental protection
A biological survey was undertaken on the 8 Nay 1991 to assess the impact of Ivybridge Sewage Treatment Works discharge on the macroinvertebrate fauna and macroflora of the River Erme after winter operation of the storm overflow. Upstream of the discharge a diverse macroinvertebrate fauna was detected which was typical of a moorland derived river apart from a proliferation of two groups of organic pollution tolerant taxa. A dense growth of the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria was also recorded indicating a significant nutrient source upstream. No significant changes in organic pollution tolerant taxa or the macroflora was detected downstream of the discharge. Therefore, no evidence of an increase in organic pollution was found. A small tributary which enters the River Erme immediately downstream of Ivybridge Sewage Treatment Works discharge was also investigated and found to be experiencing some organic and suspended solids pollution.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: Sewage treatment; Discharge (hydrology); Biological surveys; Macroinvertebrates; Water pollution; Suspended solids; Biotic index; Indicator organisms
Geographic Keywords: Ivybridge; Erme
Extent: n.p. [9]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2740
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