Title: Humber estuary catchment management plan : consultation report : July 1994
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
The Humber Estuary receives run-off from the Trent and Yorkshire Ouse river systems, a fifth of the area of England, This is the largest catchment of any UK estuary. The Humber itself is a valuable resource for the community, fisheries and wildlife and is of international importance for a number of species of birds. The location of the Estuary and the size of the inputs of freshwater makes the Humber of great significance in relation to the environmental management of the North Sea. The NRA's vision for the Humber Catchment during the lifetime of this Plan is to work towards the sustainable management of the Humber, balancing the legitimate interests of all who use the Estuary. The publication of this report marks the start of a four month period of formal consultation enabling external organisations and the general public to work with the NRA in planning the future of the water environment of the Humber Estuary. This report describes the catchment, reviews the state of the water environment and identifies the uses and issues which need to be addressed. It does not define in detail the action plans. The issues and options presented to achieve the NRA's vision for the Humber Estuary are the initial thoughts of the NRA and do not constitute policy statements.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Estuary Management Plans; Estuaries; Water quality; Estuarine fisheries; Water pollution; Flood risk management; Flood defence structures; Consultation; Coasts; Recreation
Geographic Keywords: Humber; East Riding of Yorkshire; Lincolnshire; Ouse (Yorkshire); Trent (England)
Extent: 86; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2768
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