Title: Discharge consent review for Pen Mill (Yeovil) STW
Author: National Rivers Authority Wessex Region
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: water quality planning March 1003
The objective of this work was to review the discharge consent requirement for Yeovil STW to ensure compliance with UK and EC quality objectives in the River Yeo downstream of the discharge. A review was undertaken of Yeovil STW and its effect on the receiving watercourse (River Yeo). Particular attention was paid to dangerous substances, notably hexachlorocyclohexane and heavy metals, large loads of which may be introduced to the sewerage system under existing trade effluent agreements. It was found that to maintain existing quality and prevent additional loads to the River Yeo over those discharged in 1989, a standard of 20/30/10 reducing to 20/30/5 as 95%ile for BOD-atu/SS/NH3-N would be required by the end of the century. The current limit for cadmium of 5 microg/l should remain and a limit of 1 microg/l should be introduced for total hexachlorocyclohexane.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Bridgwater
Subject Keywords: Water quality; Sewage treatment; Water quality surveys; Pollutant load; Insecticides; Rivers; Dangerous substances; Discharge (hydrology)
Geographic Keywords: Yeo (South Somerset); Somerset
Extent: 10; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:2797
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