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Title: Report for Anglian Water, NRA Unit on the uses of the Orwell and the Stour Estuaries and the use of the mathematical model to derive long term consent limits for all inputs to Orwell Estuary
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
A survey of the Orwell and Stour Estuaries was undertaken to assess the major uses of the estuaries. This showed that they are both used extensively for commercial fishing including a number of small scale Shell fisheries with potential stocks for a developing industry. Watersports, mainly sailing occur in both estuaries with an increasing interest in sailboarding in the Orwell Estuary, which also contains the majority of dinghy sailing. Both estuaries are especially important for wintering waders and wildfowl with several species of National and International importance recorded. The Orwell and Stour Estuaries are both sites of Special Scientific Interest, and the Stour contains a large RSPB nature reserve.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1990
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: EstuariesWater qualityBaseline surveysEstuarine fisheriesSailingWildlifePollutant loadDissolved oxygenModellingSewerageEnvironmental quality
Geographic Keywords: Stour EstuaryOrwell EstuaryStour catchmentSuffolk
Extent: 45
Total file downloads: 318

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