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Title: Broadland flood alleviation strategy : the programme for flood defence works
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This brief National Rivers Authority leaflet describes the Broadland Flood Alleviation Strategy. The river Yare and its two major tributaries, the Waveney and the Bure, drain to the sea through Great Yarmouth in East Anglia. The low lying land surrounding the tidal reaches of these rivers is known as Broadland, an area unlike any other in the country. Flat and low lying, it contains a variety of landscapes and wet-land habitats and supports a wide range of activities. Much o f Broadland and Great Yarmouth is susceptible to flooding, either from high freshwater river flows or, more frequently, high sea levels. Flood protection was the responsibility of the National Rivers Authority and at that time was provided by flood walls through Great Yarmouth and earth embankments along the rivers in Broadland. This document provides information about 1993 surge tides; past maintenance; the study; bank strengthening and erosion protection, the way forward; protection for currently undefended properties; what happens how; some longer term views; and further information.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: RiversFlood risk managementFlood defence structuresTidesFlood controlEmbankmentsFlood barriers
Geographic Keywords: BroadlandYareWaveney (Suffolk, Norfolk)
Extent: 7
Total file downloads: 74

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