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Title: Water wise : a water saving guide for NRA offices
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
The NRA spends a total of 90,000/year on water and sewerage charges. In the NRAs Water Resources Development Strategy for England and Wales Water Nature 's Precious Resource (1994)' demand management and water conservation was recognised as having a key role to play in an environmentally sustainable strategy. The NRA is currently requesting that water companies consider domestic metering and leakage reduction as an alternative to traditional source development. Against this background, the NRA must make its own strenuous efforts to reduce water consumption, not only to be consistent with its demand management principles, but also because saving water is good management practice. It has been NRA environmental policy for some years to reduce water consumption in NRA premises by 10% from 1991/92 levels.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: SustainabilityWater use efficiencyDrinking waterUse efficiencyConsumption
Extent: 12
Total file downloads: 287

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