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Title: Measures for protecting upland water quality (forestry) : progress report for 1991/92
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
The objectives of this study are to investigate the effectiveness of buffer strips for the protection of receiving waters from water quality deterioration following forestry practices, and to make recommendations and derive practical guidelines concerning optimum buffer strip width, for use by water and forestry staff. This second progress report describes and summarises the findings from the second year of the study, but with emphasis on the period following aerial fertilization. A number of interim conclusions have been made. Early in the year, a 90 percent attenuation of solids loads by the strip was indicated but this performance was not sustained. There is evidence that the performance of the buffer strip diminishes with time, possibly as a result of progressive flattening of vegetation by the flow of water. Additionally, the effectiveness of the strip appears to be related to runoff flow rate. As might be expected, those determinands present in an insoluble form tend to follow a similar pattern to suspended solids. Increases in concentration of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and chloride in the drainage waters were noted following fertilization.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Water qualityForest managementWater quality surveysSuspended solidsRunoffBuffersFertilizer applicationExperimentationGauging stationsWeirsVegetationDrainage waterPhosphorus potassium fertilizers
Geographic Keywords: Scotland
Extent: 66; + appendices
Total file downloads: 74

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