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Title: Annual review of fisheries : 1st April 1990 - 31st March 1991
Author: National Rivers Authority Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
This is the fourth review of the activities of the fisheries section. As expected there are a number of national initiatives: licences, methods of stock assessment, a more coordinated programme of research and development, an overall strategy for fisheries, work on all these has been started, together with a number of lesser matters all intended to ensure that fisheries provides both a value for money service and a consistent outlook on policy and operations throughout England and Wales. These national initiatives have yet to mature, so within the Region there have been no major changes in our operations since the previous year. However, it is likely that in future it will be possible to include a section on achievements against nationally determined targets and levels of service. The fish farm at Fobney has continued to develop but output was disappointing. Young barbel, dace and chub were all badly affected by low oxygen levels in the hot weather and production at Fobney was only 64% of target, but better results in the cage farm enabled us to record a small overall increase in coarse fish production.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: Fishery managementFishery policiesFishery surveysFishing licensesStock assessmentMortalitySalmon fisheriesRiver fisheries
Geographic Keywords: EnglandWales
Extent: 31; + appendices
Total file downloads: 342

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