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Title: River of North West London fact file
Author: National Rivers Authority Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
The NRA works with local planning authorities to protect the Brent and Crane catchments from undesirable development. The water environment is subject to a wide variety of uses which invariably interact and sometimes conflict with each other. Our catchment management planning process has been developed to help manage these interactions and conflicts for the overall benefit of the water environment and its users. The Brent and Crane flow through predominantly urbanised areas, and as a result are at risk from very different types of pollution compared to rural rivers. Run off from roads, containing oil and other pollutants, has a major impact. The impervious nature of much of the catchment results in a flashy response in the receiving watercourses with rapid increases in flow creating an inhospitable habitat for aquatic flora and fauna.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: RiversWater qualityPollution preventionDischarge (hydrology)River fisheries
Geographic Keywords: Greater LondonBrent (London)Crane (London)
Extent: n.p. [8]
Total file downloads: 71

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