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Title: River Ray (Wilts) fact file
Author: National Rivers Authority Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
Established on 1st September 1989, the NRA is an independent public body charged with safeguarding and improving the natural water environment. The NRA works with local planning authorities to protect the Ray catchment from undesirable development. The upper reaches of the Ray are of a reasonable quality, with a base flow from springs. However, most of the catchment is on clay, which makes it subject to very variable flows in response to rainfall. This is accentuated by urban development which covers about 26% of the catchment and is largely impervious. The lower part of the river is, therefore, affected by urban run-off. However, the water quality is dominated by the effluent from Swindon sewage works, due to the large volume of the discharge.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: [before 1996]
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Water qualityRiver fisheriesFlood risk management
Geographic Keywords: WiltshireVale of White Horse catchmentRay (Wiltshere)
Extent: n.p. [4]
Total file downloads: 384

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