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Title: Statement on public consultation for the Dove CMP : July 1995
Author: National Rivers Authority Upper-Trent Region
Document Type: Monograph
The NRA is committed to public consultation on all of its Catchment Management Plans (CMPs). CMPs allow the NRA to balance the-competing requirements and interests of all users of the water environment. A fundamental part of catchment management planning is to work in partnership with all interested parties for the sustainable development of the water environment. The report reviews the consultation to date on the Dove CMP Consultation Report. It outlines the responses received and how they have been taken into account in preparing the Action Plan.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Lichfield
Subject Keywords: RiversCatchment Management PlansCatchment managementConsultationRiver fisheriesRecreationWildlife management
Geographic Keywords: Dove (Central England)DerbyshireStaffordshireDove catchment
Extent: 16
Total file downloads: 321

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