Title: Flooding survey June 1990 : River Avon catchment and Warwickshire : section 136(1) water act 1989
Author: National Rivers Authority Severn-Trent Region
Document Type: Monograph
This updated survey is one of eight surveys on the major river catchments in the Severn-Trent Region. Each survey provides information appertaining principally to a major catchment, extended to include the whole of the major County associated with it. The primary purpose of the surveys is the identification and evaluation of flooding and land drainage problems and this summary provides information to facilitate rapid assimilation and comparison of costs , benefit/cost ratios and priority categories of these problems.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1990
Publication Place: Solihull
Subject Keywords: Catchment management; Rivers; Environmental surveys; Drainage; Flood control; Flood risk management; Nature conservation; Flood defence structures
Geographic Keywords: Warwickshire Avon; Warwickshire; environmental su
Extent: n.p. [249]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3050
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