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Title: The utilisation of stick-pile otter holts in south east Wales
Author: National Rivers Authority Welsh Region
Document Type: Monograph
The construction of stick-pile (or log-pile) holts was pioneered in Wales by Otter Project Wales (formerly Otter Haven Project) in 1979. During the past 13 years Otter Project Vales has encouraged many organisations, including the NRA, to build stick-pile holts and over 150 have now been constructed in Wales. To date Otter Project Wales have not Encouraged monitoring in order to avoid disturbance. Since 1989 the S.E. Area of Welsh Region has undertaken the construction of a number of- stick-pile otter holts on several rivers as part of an Otter Habitat Enhancement Programme. This report provides an initial assessment of the uptake of these structures by otters and attempts to establish why some have been used while others have not. The aims of the Otter Habitat Enhancement Programme have been : to safeguard existing populations in vulnerable catchments; to encourage expansion into catchments where otters have been absent for many years.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Cardiff
Subject Keywords: RiversAquatic mammalsHabitat improvementConservation strategy
Geographic Keywords: Wales
Taxonomic Keywords: Lutra lutra
Extent: 7; + figures, tables and appendices
Total file downloads: 315

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