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Title: River Usk barrage position statement, 18th January 1991
Author: National Rivers Authority Welsh Region
Document Type: Monograph
Newport Borough Council propose to construct a barrage across the river Usk estuary at Newport thereby creating a body of impounded water, with a minimum retained water level. They consider that this will form an important component in the economic regeneration of Newport as it would create an attraction for the redevelopment of areas adjacent to the "river. The proposals indicate that the barrage would be constructed across the river at Spittles Point (NGR ST 32553685) which is situated between the George Street road, bridge and the Newport Transporter bridge. Although the proposals indicate the barrage to be of the partial intrusion type, that is one which will allow the controlled ingress of saline water into the impoundment on certain tides, the possibility that the barrage will be operated as a total exclusion type has not been discounted by the promoters.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Cardiff
Subject Keywords: Coastal watersEstuariesWater reservoirsNational Rivers Authority
Geographic Keywords: WalesUsk catchmentNewport
Extent: n.p. [11]
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