Title: Riverside litter : results of the 1990 campaign and a strategy for the future
Author: National Rivers Authority Welsh Region
Document Type: Monograph
Annually the Region removes about 1500 tonnes of litter from rivers, in addition to 700 supermarket trolleys and 30 cars During 1990 the Region assisted with 12 specific river clean up projects, which removed a total of 38 lorryloads, 11 skips and 300 bags of litter, as well as 150 trolleys and 3 cars. The Region has worked closely with the Keep Wales Tidy Campaign to promote a major collaborative initiative to clean up litter along the River Taff. The problem of abandoned supermarket trolleys and the flooding hazard they may cause has been highlighted and supermarkets asked to exercise greater control over their trolleys. The Region took the first successful prosecution under the Water Act 1989 for dumping litter. Health and safety implications of litter clearance work have been considered. Considerable publicity was given to litter clearance work in which the Region was involved, favourably portraying the work of the NRA. A future strategy is proposed in which the Region accepts anti- litter policing as part of its day to day operations, but with a more reactive approach to specific litter clearance projects. A sum of 20K (exclusive of non - Flood Defence manpower) for 1991/92 has been provisionally approved in the WQ regional plan to fund the proposed strategy. This will need to be increased in future years if the Taff Litter project is approved by Welsh Office, and in the light of activity in the coming year.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Cardiff
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Environmental quality; Human behaviour; Waste disposal; Regional planning; Pollution control
Geographic Keywords: Wales
Extent: 8
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3097
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