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Title: Minewater discharges in South Wales
Author: National Rivers Authority Welsh Region
Document Type: Monograph
The object of this paper is to review the potential opportunities and or disadvantages of minewater discharges to the water resources of South Wales. The potential of minewaters as a resource has been raised many times, particularly during droughts. However, with the announcement of the closure of three of the remaining four British Coal mines in Wales, it is again appropriate to review whether mine discharges might form a useable resource and to consider treatment options where quality is inadequate. Water which infiltrates permeable rocks (aquifers) from rainfall reappears at the surface as discrete springs and diffuse seepages. These groundwaters form the baseflow of rivers and sustain flows during periods of dry weather. The rivers of South Wales flow over generally hard, impermeable rocks which reduces the quantity of infiltration. Groundwater therefore provides relatively little baseflow contribution to the catchments. What little there is can be important, and the quality of this groundwater greatly affects the quality of the river to which it provides baseflow.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: [before 1996]
Publication Place: Cardiff
Subject Keywords: Water resourcesWater qualityDrought
Geographic Keywords: Wales
Extent: n.p. [29]
Total file downloads: 70

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