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Title: National Rivers Authority/Po River Basin Authority collaboration programme : improved monitoring systems for river water quality : secretariat meeting, Parma, 13-15 December 1995 : programme and briefing notes
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
National statute law has been in place in England (and Wales) specifically for the management of water resources since 1963. It has been covered by several different Acts of Parliament since that time but the basic principles have remained unaltered. Under this legislation the abstraction (taking) of water is controlled by licences issued by the regulatory authority which, since 1989, has been the NRA. Nearly all abstractions, for whatever purpose and from whatever source, river, lakes or groundwater, are licensable. The only significant type not licensable is the abstraction of water from rivers for navigation canals. Since its inception, the English water resources law has included the principle of Minimum Acceptable Flow' (MAF). MAFs were originally conceived as a planning tool for the control of abstraction in catchments where it was already high. They would be statutory (ie, once determined, protected in law) and determined by a process of consultation with interested organisations.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: RiversWater quality measurementsWater pollutionStandardsPollution monitoringInternational cooperation
Geographic Keywords: EnglandWales
Extent: n.p. [23]
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