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Title: Project record for the review and statistical analysis of the baseline coastal waters survey
Author: T. Peck
Author: A. Matthews
Author: S. Boxall
Author: P. Statham
Document Type: Monograph
The NRA has undertaken national baseline coastal surveillance surveys in 1993 and 1994 with the objective of measuring background levels of contaminants to provide a baseline of water quality in the coastal zone. These surveys have taken the form of simultaneous boat and airborne surveys in Spring, Summer and Autumn, and a boat survey in Winter (when weather conditions render aerial surveillance difficult), around the coast of England and Wales. The objectives of this phase of the study are to review the existing baseline coastal water surveillance surveys, carry out a statistical analysis of the data described above so as to determine what has been achieved and recommend the future format of the surveys taking into consideration all the NRA water quality monitoring requirements in marine waters.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Coastal watersEstuariesWater quality surveysAerial surveysBoatsSurveysStatistical data
Geographic Keywords: EnglandWales
Extent: 118
Total file downloads: 302

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