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Title: Review of eutrophication control strategies : draft final report
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
Eutrophication is the general term given to the increase in concentration of plant nutrients in standing waterbodies and watercourses. The biological effects are manifest primarily in increased biomass of plants together with secondary responses of the primary producing community such as shifts in relative abundance of species and taxa through competition for nutrients or other limiting resources (e.g. light). This is followed by foodchain responses to direct (e.g change of food organism abundance) and indirect (e.g. altered oxygen regime caused by decay of plant biomass) effects of the changed primary production base. Publications which explain in detail the causes and effects of nutrient enrichment in rivers, lakes and coastal waters are Henderson-Sellars and Markland, (1987), Golterman and de Oude, (1991) Harper, (1992) and in more direct applied fashion, Cartright et al. (1993). A decade ago the general consensus in water management was that eutrophication was a minor problem in the UK outside particular wetland areas such as the Norfolk Broads and the Shropshire/Cheshire Meres (Collingwood, 1977). This opinion was not so prevalent in continental countries. Perspectives on eutrophication, however, changed rapidly in both north and southern hemispheres following long hot summer periods in 1989, which led to pronounced blooms of cyanobacteria dense enough to cause toxic scums (Anon., 1990), (Anon., 1992). Eutrophication is now recognised as a widespread problem for all countries with developed agriculture and urbanisation, after for example, (Vollenweider and Kerekes, 1982).
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: [before 1996]
Publication Place: [Bristol]
Subject Keywords: Surface waterEutrophicationPollution controlAlgal bloomsToxicity
Taxonomic Keywords: Cyanobacteria
Extent: 42
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