Title: Sea Empress oil spill, February 1996 : overview of surveillance activities : draft
Author: National Rivers Authority National Centre for Instrumentation and Marine Surveillance
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: national centre for instrumentation an marine surveillance -February 1996
This report is intended as a concise record of the surveillance activities undertaken by the NRA National Centre for Instrumentation and Marine Surveillance (NCIMS) as a result of the grounding of the Sea Empress and resulting oil spill in February 1996. This report is not intended to make any statements on the severity or environmental consequences of the oil spill or to propose any scientifically robust interpretation o f the data resulting from the surveillance activities; such conclusions can only be drawn once data from all sources has been pooled and analysed in a scientific framework. The system deployed by the NC IMS is described in the context of oil spill surveillance. A record of the sorties flown is presented with example imagery. In addition, a record of the publicly available satellite imagery that is available is presented, with one example.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Marine environment; Coastal waters; Oils; Water pollution; Monitoring
Geographic Keywords: Wales; Pembrokeshire
Extent: n.p. [35]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3146
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