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Title: Water Quality of the Humber Estuary 1986
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
The Humber Estuary Committee of the Anglian, Severn-Trent and Yorkshire Water Authorities co-ordinates the water quality management and monitoring of the estuary. Environmental quality objectives based on protecting existing and potential future uses of the water have been established. These are defined by quality standards set for the water column. Routine monitoring programmes, which are supplemented by intensive special surveys, cover the chemical quality of the Humber and its tidal rivers, freshwater river and effluent inputs, metal accumulation in sediments and organisms, and the invertebrate fauna. The results for 1986 show that the outer Estuary is of high quality with a diverse benthic fauna. The main water quality problem is the depletion of dissolved oxygen levels at times of low freshwater flows in the tidal Ouse, Aire and Don and which also affects the lower Trent and upper Humber. Work is in progress or planned for improvements to sewage treatment works and industrial effluent discharges so that the environmental quality standards are fully met. Action is also well advanced to reduce arsenic levels along the north shore of the upper Estuary.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1986
Publication Place: London
Subject Keywords: EstuariesWater qualitySewage treatmentImprovementDissolved oxygen
Geographic Keywords: Humber
Extent: 27; + figures
Total file downloads: 388

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