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Title: Water resource planning : strategic options : inception report : May 1991
Author: Halcrow
Document Type: Monograph
At the end of February 1991, the National Rivers Authority commissioned Sir Wiiliam Halcrow and Partners Ltd to assess likely future public and private demand for fresh water in England and Wales up to the year 2021, and to identify and compare alternative strategies for responding to this demand. Such strategies are to include methods of demand management, as well as enhanced distribution and further source development. Terms of Reference for the study are included at Appendix A. The work is to be carried forward by making maximum use of available data, rather than by undertaking extensive new analysis of a fundamental nature. This Inception Report sets out progress to date on the study. It is focused principally on the collection and initial review of data from the various NRA regions. Data analysis continues, and any findings presented in this report are strictly preliminary, to be confirmed by further work. The Inception Report will be followed in about three weeks' time by a Preliminary Report, in which the review of available resources will be presented in more detail. Presentation of both the Inception and Preliminary Reports during May allows time for the NRA regions to comment upon them, and for these comments to be incorporated in the Final Report of the study, which is due to be submitted at the end of July.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1991
Publication Place: Swindon
Subject Keywords: Water resourcesSustainable developmentPlanningStrategies
Geographic Keywords: EnglandWales
Extent: n.p. [132]
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