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Title: The state of the water environment : six year trends report
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
This report has been produced at the request of the Department of the Environment to summarise the NRAs performance and use of resources since its establishment in 1989 prior to its cessation in April 1996, when it will become part of the new Environment Agency. The main audiences for the report are UK and EC Government, NRA Board and statutory Regional Committees, NRA employees, the general public and the media. The report consists mostly of graphs and commentary that show the trend in NRA actual income, expenditure, staffing and environmental achievements for each financial year (1st April to 31st March) between 1989/90 and 1994/95. There are a few graphs which show data for calendar years. These exceptions can be identified by looking at the horizontal axis of the graph. Where only a single year appears (eg 1992 rather than 1992/93), then the data relates to a calendar year. The first two chapters of the report give an overview of the NRA as a whole, detailing its resources and main customers, together with some of its achievements in improving customer service. The remaining chapters of the report consider each of the NRAs seven core functions separately. The information given in each of these chapters is laid out to give a storyline that tells of the pressures, the responses and the state of the water environment in the area that concerns the function.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: National Rivers AuthorityAquatic environmentReports
Geographic Keywords: EnglandWales
Extent: 34
Total file downloads: 302

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