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Title: Ecological quality of water European technical workshop : 10 and 11 May 1995, Brussels. Report of discussions, findings and recommendations
Author: S. Nixon
Author: P. Juggins
Document Type: Monograph
This report is a record of a National Rivers Authority hosted technical workshop on the ecological quality of water held on the 10 and 11 May 1995 in Brussels. The overall objective of the workshop was to look at the technical and scientific implications of the implementation of the proposed EC Directive on the ecological quality of surface waters. The workshop comprised three working groups and subsequent plenary discussions. These discussions, in addition to addressing the key points arising from the working group presentations, encompassed a debate on broader issues, including, whether the overall concept and structure of the proposed Directive were considered sensible and whether the key elements of the approach would be workable, either now or in the future. This section summarises the main conclusions and recommendations arising from the working group sessions and the plenary discussions. This report summarises the main points arising in the workshop and the principal conclusions and recommendations. The results of the workshop have been communicated to the key institutions of the European Union and other relevant organisations. The workshop comprised three working groups, each addressing a specific aspect of the Directive: 1. Definitions and specifications for ecological water quality; 2. Monitoring, classification and operational targets; 3. Integrated improvement programmes.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Surface waterEcological factorsWater qualityDirectives (European Union)Water monitoring
Extent: 18; + appendices
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