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Title: NRAM user guide : National Rivers Authority Resource Allocation Model
Author: T. Harrison
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: NRA resource allocation model
This document provides a description of and running instructions for the National Rivers Authority - Resource Allocation Model (NRAM). The original version of this model, called the Regional Resources Allocation Model, was developed by Severn-Trent Water Authority in 1980. Such a model became desirable when possibilities for interlinking command areas and demand centres made necessary the consideration of the Water Authority's area as a whole. The model is designed to show how the present or projected water resource system of the Severn and Trent River Basins would react to a wide range of hydrological conditions under varying operational rules. During the period 1980-87 the model was used to assess the feasibility of many major capital schemes including re-building of the Carsington Dam, the East-West link, and major treatment work enhancements. It was also used for general resource optimisation throughout the region, resource allocation during droughts, design and assessments of resource control rules, assessment of standards of service, and for revenue forecasting purposes.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Water resourcesHydrological processesModelsWater management
Extent: n.p. [66]
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