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Title: Hartsbourne Stream : proposed flood alleviation scheme
Author: National Rivers Authority Thames Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Hartsbourne Stream rises on the mainly open ground surrounding the Hartsbourne Country Club golf course and flows in a westerly direction for some 5 km through Carpenders Park and South Oxhey to join the River Colne north west of Oxhey Hall. Interviews with local residents have revealed flooding in the Carpenders Park area to be a regular occurrence. The floods of 8 May 1988, for example, affected an area of some 32 hectares and inundated some 29 properties. They also disrupted road and foot traffic. The proposal is to place an earth dam across the stream, immediately above Oxhey Lane to create the flood storage reservoir. The dam will be designed to allow normal stream flows to pass through unhindered and continue their present course under Oxhey Lane and down through Carpenders Park. The NRA has investigated stream channel improvement works and flood storage schemes for relieving flooding and has selected the flood storage option as being the most cost effective and least disruptive to the environment and local community.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: [before 1996]
Publication Place: Reading
Subject Keywords: StreamsFlood defence structuresInformation dissemination
Geographic Keywords: EA South EastColne catchment
Extent: n.p. [4]
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