Title: River quality : October 1992 - September 1993
Author: Susan Wattam
Document Type: Monograph
3820 km of watercourses in the Thames region have river quality objectives and achievement against these objectives is assessed using 1 years chemical data. Table I shows the reaches which have failed their quality objectives for the year to September 1993. This period has seen the number of reaches failing their quality objectives fall to a new low. Only 30 reaches failed to meet their objectives, which represents 176 km of watercourse of 4.6% of the total length of watercourses assessed. Table la shows the number of reaches which failed their quality objectives, and the corresponding percentage length of watercourses assessed, over the past 15 months. Table 2a is a matrix showing the total length of river in each class against objectives. Table 2b shows the total lengths of river meeting their quality objectives.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: [Bristol]
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Water quality surveys
Geographic Keywords: EA South East; Thames
Extent: n.p. [33]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3259
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