Title: River Wissey investigations : linking hydrology and ecology : summary of a recommendations for the River Wissey (OI/526)
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
This project provides a detailed examination of the ecology of the River Wissev with specific reference to relationships between flows and the flora and fauna of the river. The river is renowned as a trout stream and the study was commissioned by the National Rivers Authority in 1991. following concerns about the ecological impacts of falling flows. The project had three aims: i) to assess the current ecological status of the Wissev and to place the current situation in an historical context; ii) to evaluate macroinvertebrate-flow relationships for: environmental assessments of flow-related impacts and setting flows to meet in-river needs; and iii) to define a Ecologically Acceptable Flow Regime for the River Wissev on the basis of all available information and approaches. The study included intensive field surveys during 1991 and 1992 (low-flow years) and 1994 (a normal' flow year), supplemented by a comprehensive review of secondary sources.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: [1995]
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Chalk streams; Flow rate; Water levels; Hydrology; Ecology; Ecological factors; Macroinvertebrates
Geographic Keywords: EA Anglian; Wissey; Cam and Ely Ouse catchment
Extent: 16
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3279
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