Title: River Dee catchment management plan : action plan (bilingual) : 1996: Cynllun Gweithrediad Cynllun Rheoli Dalgylch Dyfrdwy 1996
Author: National Rivers Authority Welsh Region
Document Type: Monograph
The River Dee is of major importance as a source of water supply for domestic and industrial purposes in North East Wales and North West England. As a consequence, it has become one of the most regulated rivers in Europe, with complex systems to manage river
flows and to maintain it's high quality. The flow management systems also provide measures to reduce the frequency and impact of flooding within the catchment. This CMP Action Plan sets out issues and actions specific to the Dee catchment which have been
determined within the framework of these Guidance Notes. Section 4 outlines how consideration of the concerns of the water environment should influence the location and nature of development and land use change within the catchment.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Cardiff
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Catchment Management Plans; Action plans
Geographic Keywords: Wales; England; Dee (Wales); Upper Dee catchment; Dee (Tidal) catchment; Middle Dee catchment
Extent: 34
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3300
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