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Title: A new angle : a simpler way of licensing fishing
Author: National Rivers Authority
Document Type: Monograph
This consultation paper sets out the National Rivers Authority's (NRA) proposals for the future. It has been published so that anglers, interested individuals and interested organisations can give their views in order to help the NRA decide what is the best way of licensing fishing. An important part of the NRAs job as the Guardian of the Water Environment is to protect the fish stocks in the rivers, lakes, and canals of England and Wales. Under the Water Act (1989) the NRAs fisheries service has a duty to maintain, improve and develop salmon, sea trout, trout, freshwater and eel fisheries.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: [1993]
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Fishing licensesAnglingConsultation
Extent: n.p. [6]
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