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Title: Torridge data report : biological monitoring of organic inputs to the study catchments using rapid biological assessment keys
Author: I. Naismith
Document Type: Monograph
The Rapid Biological Assessment Key (RBAK), developed by WRc/NRA Welsh Region to identify organic farm pollution in watercourses (NRA Project Nos A3.001/A3.012), was used in the four study catchments during winter/early spring 1992 (March-May). The RBAK provides a means of identifying organic farm pollution, and classifying its severity, using a number of indicator macro-invertebrate taxa and the presence/absence of sewage fungus. The key was specifically developed for use in Wales, however a modified version specifically for use in Devon has also been produced (Figure 2). Both Keys are applicable in the S.W. (pers. comm. G.Rutt) and since the Devon method was untested in the field both methods were employed in this study.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: [Bristol]
Subject Keywords: RiversCatchment basinsWater pollutionAgricultural pollutionMonitoring techniquesBiological indicatorsMacroinvertebrates
Geographic Keywords: EA South WestDevonTorridgeNorth Devon catchment
Extent: n.p. [17]
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