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Title: Water resources : functional strategy 1990-1995
Author: National Rivers Authority Welsh Region
Document Type: Monograph
The implementation of the Water Act 1989 has provided the NRA with an opportunity to review the management of water resources and to balance the demands of legitimate abstractors with the environmental needs of surface and underground waters. This strategy is the first step in planning resources from this new perspective of environmental protection and sets out the broad plan for the next 5-10 years. The Welsh Region is one of the largest of the ten NRA Regions and its water resources are used not only to meet the needs of its resident population of over three million people, but also those of large conurbations in the English Midlands and the North West. There are five major private water undertakers within the Region and over 4,000 licenced abstractors who use water for industry, agriculture and domestic supplies. The management of this resource is largely concerned with assessing the quantities of water available by field measurement and managing those resources to meet demand. A total of 164 river gauges, recording over 6 million bits of data each year, form the foundation of the hydrometric network.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Cardiff
Subject Keywords: Water resourcesWater useMonitoringStrategies
Geographic Keywords: Wales
Extent: 34
Total file downloads: 298

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